Have reviewed your install. It doesn't appear to be the payment basket redirect behavior when only 1 payment method is available causing this. That's normally what would trigger an immediate redirect, but adding a second gateway doesn't prevent it. Something else seams to be redirecting before CBSubs loads the basket in, but I've no idea what.
I did notice you've a PHP input limit issue. CBSubs > Settings can't be saved due to it and that could potentially be why things are not working correctly. So moving servers would be the cause of this as your server configuration completely changed. If you still have access to the previous server compare the php.ini from your old server to your new and make adjustments where necessary. Specifically you'll want to adjust max_input_vars (e.g. 500).
Once that is fixed make sure CBSubs > Settings can save. Then retry and see if issue persists. If it does you'll need to start the process of unpublishing 3rd party extensions 1 by 1 to find which is causing this as something seams to be interrupting CBSubs.
Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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