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AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment

  • fdinkler
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2 years 10 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #329228 by fdinkler
we are using your extension service and i am developing the site on it with
CB. as Forum is public I am posting here on my behalf
I have set up a plan for auto recurring payment using Authorize net in CB
for 7 days and all setup is done fine But after subscription, the Auto-renew is
not working.
Any reason?

On Authorize Net website it shows Terminated.

Also on the backend subscription, it shows not Auto-renew for this plan

Required your assistance on this.
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#8960] tag to subject

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  • krileon
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2 years 10 months ago #329230 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment
Was ABR properly configured within your account and within CBSubs payment gateway? It's also important for "Settings for silent Posts from" to be configured so CBSubs can be notified of recurring payments.

Additional note requires PCI compliance so I highly suggest moving away from to more secure solutions like Stripe for on-site payments and/or PayPal where a users credit card credentials never reach your server.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • fdinkler
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2 years 10 months ago #329240 by fdinkler
Replied by fdinkler on topic AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment
Could you be more specific on this? U mean Authorized payment does not work for Auto-renew with CB?
I checked the setting and they looks normal.

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  • krileon
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2 years 10 months ago #329243 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment
Auto recurring payments do work with, but only with their ABR implementation. If it's being kicked back as a manual payment it means ABR isn't working for your account either because it's not enabled or not configured correctly.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • fdinkler
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2 years 9 months ago #329511 by fdinkler
Replied by fdinkler on topic AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment
Regarding this topic. i enabled the ARB on authorize net with their support team and did a payment today for a 7 days plan. On CB subscriptions logs it is still showing the payment as Manually and not Auto.

is there any option to check inside CB over it.
Also after enabling the ARB, i got an error after payment in CB
Subscription payment registration error: Error received from payment gateway: E00003: Root element is missing.
Payment is deducted successfully.

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  • krileon
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2 years 9 months ago #329513 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic AuthorizeNet auto recurring payment
Looks like the XML sent to was rejected. The initial payment is handled separately from recurring scheduling and that initial payment worked. The reason it's marked manual is because the recurring scheduling part failed only. Is there any further information in CBSubs > History Log as to why it failed or a failed notification logged in CBSubs > Notifications? Looks like they support JSON now though so we're looking into this further.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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