The following SQL Action is used for each plan (only on activation) to generate an encrypted license key which is then used for external server licensing.
UPDATE `#__comprofiler` SET `field_name` = MD5( '[user_id]_[plan_id]_[subscription_id]_ENCRYPT' ) WHERE `id` = '[user_id]'
The issue is; if a user upgrades from one plan to another, the key will change due to their user_id, subscription_id changing so it generates a new license key.
My question; can you please advise if it is possible to generate a query that will do exactly what the above is doing, however NOT if a key (field_name) already exists, it would not make any change and the users license key would remain the same?
Basically I am trying to find a way to have CBSubs generate the license key and not change it if the user upgrades their plan to a different one. Thank you kindly in advance!