There's no duration setting for 1 year, but starting on the beginning of current month. Closest you'll get to that is "This and next 5 calendar months" which gives them 6 month subscription basically. Have added a feature ticket to review extending this further as if it supported this + next 11 months it'd work how you're wanting I suspect.
Note this isn't officially supported, but you maybe able to force the durations with the below XML edit. Please note you'd be using these added durations at your own risk. Please test thoroughly.
IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/xml/edit.plugin.xml
ON: Line 116
<option value="U:0000-07-00 00:00:00">This and next 6 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-07-00 00:00:00">This and next 6 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-08-00 00:00:00">This and next 7 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-09-00 00:00:00">This and next 8 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-10-00 00:00:00">This and next 9 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-11-00 00:00:00">This and next 10 calendar months</option>
<option value="U:0000-12-00 00:00:00">This and next 11 calendar months</option>
That should make those durations available for selection, but may or may not work as expected so again please test thoroughly. Note that core file changes will be lost every time you update, but since this setting is saved you shouldn't lose it as long as you don't re-save the plan before making the above changes.