Europe VAT is complex and the taxing and rates and moreover the numerous exceptions depend on each individual case, in addition the rates and rules can change any time in each country:
it's hard for CBSubs to guess any individual situation, so even with all available rates (up to 4 per country), it remains a tedious process to configure EU VAT.
To the best of my knowledge, EU doesn't provide a webservice that lists all VAT rates, and I haven't found a free and up-to-date webservice that could facilitate the setup and maintenance of basic rates. If you have any free and reliable open-data source for all countries VAT rates and rules, I would be happy to look into simplifying the configuration.
EDIT: This is the latest EU's understanding of EU countries VAT rules from January:
It is 119 pages long and should allow every EU business to understand it's position (and maintain it)!
Bureaucracy, politics and KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid) are 3 different things...
I haven't found an official EU computer-readable version (e.g. JSON or XML), even if just for the "standard" rates!
EDIT2: Even within a country, depending on territory and supplier, VAT rates can change. Unofficial source:
Added a FR for collecting information and waiting for official or well-maintained free open-data source: