"Error: 0 - Call to undefined function mysql_connect()"
mysql_connect doesn't exist in PHP 7 and is deprecated in PHP 5.5. CB doesn't establish a database connection directly and utilizes Joomla API to do so. Ensure Joomla is configured correctly with the correct database engine for your version of PHP.
"PHP Warning: DateTime::modify(): Failed to parse time string (- HOUR) at position 0 (-): Unexpected character in /hermes/bosnaweb23a/b1426/ipw.nycsdorg/public_html/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/Date/Date.php on line 391"
You've something trying to subtract hours from a date, but no hours were specified. Looks like it's probably due to the "Hours for payment basket to timeout in front-end" or "Hours for payment basket to timeout in administration" parameters being empty in CBSubs > Settings > Display > Baskets. Please ensure you've saved CBSubs > Settings at least once and see if that clears that error up.