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krileon wrote: However you currently have it configured to send a POST while accessing via browser is GET. Maybe your script expects a GET request and isn't looking in the POST data.
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The substitutions available to each subscription state change are all the same so there's no difference in their information available. You need to add appropriate debug code to it so you can find where in your script it's failing or this will continue to be a guessing game. The change above has already been merged for a later CBSubs release, but all it's doing to do is log the raw cURL string to history log.2. regarding the above, is this possible if both the Activation & Renewal are working without any issues? Meaning the Activation & Renewal are = POST, so that shows the server is expecting it as a POST correct? In my other shopping cart it is sent as a POST, so I guess my question is; would there be any difference in the Activation/Renewal & the Expiration? there is no difference in our script, it is simply posting the new data provided like the new expiration date, but all else is the exact same.
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Ah yes, I didn't think of this option. Indeed being able to see the raw cURL details will allow me to resend manuallykrileon wrote: The raw cURL call in the history log should be enough to recreate or debug usages.
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