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timstohr wrote: Hey,
Does CB subs run on a multi-site environment? There should not be any reason why it shouldn't but I thought I would rather like to ask. Just bought it and if it doesnt then I actually have no use for it and have to think of something else...
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timstohr wrote: I am going to use JMS Multisites but havent installed it yet (am waiting for my developer to finish some other projects...). I am sincerely hoping that CB will run on MS multisites otherwise I have to change the whole architecture of my websites and server. Again, no reason why it shouldnt...
Subs is a "plugin" for community builder so it uses the community builder "connection" to Joomla no? so if community builder works then CB subs will also work?
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timstohr wrote: JMS developer says that it should work. You can also share the users between all the sites.
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