Your subscription information has now been saved, but your subscription isn't active yet. Please choose your method of payment below:
Your membership for payment: Item Validity Price
Total for first payment $ 20.24, then $ 60.00 per year Subscription 10/08/2015 - 10/08/2016, then 10/08/2016 - 10/08/2017 $ 60.00 per year The first payment of the upgrade for 1 year, taking in account your current subscription, is $ 20.24 instead of $ 60.00.
Please click on this button to pay:
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You need to pay the subscription upgrade.
Your membership for payment: Item Validity Price
Total for first payment $ 0.36, then $ 40.00 per year Subscription 10/09/2015 - 10/09/2016, then 10/09/2016 - 10/09/2017 $ 40.00 per year The first payment of the upgrade for 1 year, taking in account your current subscription, is $ 0.36 instead of $ 40.00.
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cjmicro wrote: I found where to change the click on this button to pay. It was in "General settings for presenting payment baskets" in the cbsubs settings. Sorry. I looked there 4 times yesterday but obviously was blind!
Still need to change "Your membership for payment:" on the payment basked area.
You need to pay the subscription upgrade.
Your membership for payment: Item Validity Price
Total for first payment $ 0.36, then $ 40.00 per year Subscription 10/09/2015 - 10/09/2016, then 10/09/2016 - 10/09/2017 $ 40.00 per year The first payment of the upgrade for 1 year, taking in account your current subscription, is $ 0.36 instead of $ 40.00.
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cjmicro wrote: ok this worked now. thanks!
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