It seems a simple question, but I can't get the value of the field to become exactly what I want on plan change.
On registration the user is automatically assigned to the User Group:
--Free members
And my custom text field "VIP Subscribed" is set to "0" (Zero).
Now, after the user moves to a Paid plan he or she is automatically assigned to the User Group:
--Free members
--VIP members
And the "VIP Subscribed" field value is changing to "1".
When this paid plan expires, or is deleted, or is unsubscribed... the status of my "VIP Subscribed" field is not going back to "0", it's going back to "nothing", neither "0", neither "NULL", it's going back to empty table row: nothing is inside. It's important for me to go back to "0" as I'm sorting my list depending on this field!
I've set the Free plan's Integration -> CB Field -> Field 1 -> "VIP Subscribe" -> Set: Field Value = "0" -> Remove value on plan deactivation to "No" and "Yes = 0", but it's not helping, the value is still "nothing".
Please advice?
Thank you,