I wanted to let you all know of an error that occurs when importing subscriptions into CB Subs. I was able to figure out the issue but thought you might want to present a more graceful error message when failing on this condition to help your membership who created the same error that I did find it quicker without turning to support.
I was testing out the import feature and inadvertently used a non-existent plan ID in the import CSV. Here's the error message when I try to reproduce it:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/maryland/public_html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/models/misc/cbpaidSubscriptionsImporter.php on line 333
The original error message was on line 349 as well. Changing to a valid plan ID fixed the issue but the error message wasn't very helpful at the time. I only figured it out by noticing the plan IDs in the MySQL table holding plans.
Seems if the plan doesn't exist than the get() member function will throw an exception at runtime. Not sure how you'd catch that other than maybe checking the plan ID's against all valid plan IDs first and then running through your compatibility logic.