I've searched the forums, couldn't find this.
We have a real mishmash of blocked, unconfirmed, etc users after a couple years of having some basic settings misconfigured.
What I am trying to do is determine which users were simply 'expired' ( as opposed to 'cancelled')... it appears that in CB User Manager, the users with nothing showing in their "Subscription" (we have two types) were probably cancelled or expired... but it allows us to filter further and it seems there are the two distinct possibilities.
For some time users were accidentally blocked after their subscription expiry(could not log in to renew their subscriptions!), and I would like to unblock and confirm their accounts and send them an apology/opportunity to log in again.
But I don't want to pester former users who intentionally 'cancelled'.
So I need to be able to filter these accounts in the db (I plan to leave the cancelled accounts 'unconfirmed' - but set expiries back to confirmed). This will allow them to at least LOG IN and renew their subscriptions, should they desire to.
The question is - what exactly do the 'status' codes indicate?
I see A, U, and X (Active, Upgraded, Expired?? - or is X actually 'cancelled'??)
I can see that setting _comprofiler.confirmed =1 and _comprofiler.cbactivation ='' should make a user "confirmed" again - but I only want to do this for users who did not explicitly CANCEL their accounts. Just not sure how to determine this...