We need help on activating offline payment as paid from remote script. Currently we are trying to implement Moneta (mobile payment) payment gateway and looking for the best way to do it.
When user locks offline payment and he is shown the payment slip, the user has the option to click a button and pay the membership via Moneta service.
If payment is completed, the script can update database accordingly.
We would need to know which field value we need to change using mysql to activate plan (basket ID) as paid, like Admin can do it manualy, so normal plan activation and welcome email is triggered.
Currently we use this reciepe to update member group level when Moneta mobile service accepts payment:
$sQuery1 = "UPDATE igwo_user_usergroup_map SET group_id='3' WHERE user_id= " . $sUserid . "";
But we need to know which mysql field value to change to activate payment basket as paid, so user can instantly get subscripton welcome email?
We also need to know how to get current plan field values for plan price, tax and plan name as dynamic variables to populate form input fields automaticaly?
Any help how we can achive this functionality, would be greatly appriciated.