Your PayPal issue is due to PDT not being configured correctly and IPN being delayed as well as your PayPal account not being completely confirmed. Please review your CBSubs documentation as your PayPal account is not configured correctly. You need to ensure return data is configured. Please see the below quick configure instructions.
1. Set "PayPal Main receiver account (email) (if Business is different from your main account):" to the email address marked as "Primary" at My Account > Profile > Email.
2. Go to My Account > Profile > Website payments preferences.
2a. Set "Auto Return:" to "On".
2b. Set "Return URL:" to your actual website home url (e.g.
2c. Set "Payment Data Transfer:" to "On",
2d. Copy "Identity Token" to "Your PayPal Identity Token:"
2e. Now click "Save".
3. Copy "Secure Merchant ID" provided after save to "PayPal Business (email or secure merchant ID):".
You now have PDT completed. Now lets setup IPNs.
4. Go to My Account > Profile > Instant Payment Notification preferences.
5. Click "Choose IPN Settings"
5a. Set "Notification URL" to your actual website home url (e.g.
5b. Set "IPN messages" to "Receive IPN messages (Enabled)".
5c. Click "Save".
If PDT isn't returning data then when they return to your site the basket won't be paid and become active. It'll then have to wait for the IPN to pay the basket. The IPNs are not always instead and can take up to 40 hours to come through.
Please also note your PayPal IPNs are force Pending, because you are purchasing from an account with an unconfirmed email address. The pending reason within CBSubs > Notifications for your PayPal IPNs is "unilateral", which means "The payment is pending because it was made to an email address that is not yet registered or confirmed.".