No, there is no quantity parameter or usage for merchandise (or any plan type for that matter). Subscriptions can have a number of renewals per user, but no usage limit. Best you could do is use CBSubs SQL Actions to count the number of merchandise purchases and if is equal to or greater than the quantity you want then you'd disable new purchases for the plan. Example query as follows for this (note this is untested and is just an example).
UPDATE `#__cbsubs_plans` AS a SET a.`allow_newsubscriptions` = 0 WHERE a.`id` = '[plan_id]' AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__cbsubs_merchandises` AS b WHERE b.`plan_id` = a.`id` ) >= QUANTITY_HERE
In the above you'd replace QUANTITY_HERE with 5 for example to limit the number of purchases to the plan to no more than 5. It dynamically fills in plan id via substitution so you can basically copy paste, set QUANTITY_HERE, and should be good to go ideally.