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parent plan duration

  • ydev
  • ydev
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12 years 2 weeks ago #221802 by ydev
parent plan duration was created by ydev
I use CBSUBS 3.0 on CB1.9 and J2.4.8

I use parent plan as a kind of grouping method. Parent plans are free lifetime.
What I don't like is that these free lifetime plans are always visible in CBSubs Tab in CB Profile.
Is it possibile to hide them and show only plans which have a normal price and duration?

In other words, I would like to show in the tab only active plans which have a time and a price.
And I would like to hide to the user the fact that he as free lifetime plans active. THey are used only to group plans.

Is it possible?

Thank you

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  • krileon
  • krileon
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12 years 2 weeks ago - 12 years 2 weeks ago #221873 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic parent plan duration
Just remove the price display for the free lifetime plan and for all they'll know it's just a category of some sort. You can remove the price by setting "Price display of plan (default: [AUTOMATIC]):" on the Presentation tab to the below or "_UE_BLANK".

Alternatively you can use CSS to try and hide the display, but this could mess with the fact the parent needs to be selected and active to be able to subscribe to the child plans. Could make auto-selection of parent fail, but can't say for sure as have not tested this usage.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 12 years 2 weeks ago by krileon.

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