We want to be 100% sure we are explaining exactly what we have setup since the client insists that we should be able to bypass the basket step (either through configuration or some kind of hack) - we also do not understand why we can't ask for credit card on the billing page (after basket step).
Our goal is to not display the "basket page" to the end user since right now it just displays the subscription plan they picked in step 1 and asks user which credit card they want to use (which we want to ask on the next Billing step). Our configuration is the following: option to select Visa or Master Card, only 1 payment gateway (Auth.net), no promotions, no terms and conditions, and we do not allowing basket cancel. So based on all of this you are still saying we cannot bypass the basket step since we require the user to select more then one credit card. Please confirm there is not work around for this.