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Error Log - index issue?

  • oorc
  • oorc
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12 years 2 months ago #218675 by oorc
Error Log - index issue? was created by oorc
Hey all,

For error logs, the documentation instructed me to post in an archived forum category that hasn't seen movement for about 3.5 years, so I hope it's okay to post this log here. I've gotten this log four times thus far, twice on 1/7/13 and twice on 1/10/13. If I had to guess, it might be related to my attempts to use a dummy gateway, and them failing miserably. :) It just times out when I try to initiate the process (not a big deal, so I haven't mentioned it yet, but just wanted to throw that out there in case it's helpful).

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Without further ado, here's the log:

NOTICE: Undefined index: view in /home/oorc/ on line 48
Trace:called in class cbpaidErrorHandler::_error_handler_callable(8, "Undefined index: view", "/home/oorc/", 48, array("query" => array("option" => "com_content", "view" => "article", "id" => "24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge", "catid" => "12:events"), "segments" => array(), "app" => object(JSite), "menu" => object(JMenuSite), "params" => object(JRegistry), "advanced" => 0, "menuItem" => object(stdClass), "menuItemGiven" => false, "view" => "article")) on line 48 in file router.php
called in function ContentBuildRoute(array("option" => "com_content", "view" => "article", "id" => "24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge", "catid" => "12:events")) on line 347 in file router.php
called in class JRouterSite::_buildSefRoute(object(JURI)) on line 205 in file router.php
called in class JRouter::build("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge&catid=12:events") on line 82 in file router.php
called in class JRouterSite::build("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge&catid=12:events") on line 51 in file methods.php
called in class JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge&catid=12:events") on line 104 in file sef.php
called in class plgSystemSef::route(array(0 => "href="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge&catid=12:events", 1 => "option=com_content&view=article&id=24:buffalo-headwaters-challenge&catid=12:events"))
called in function preg_replace_callback("#href="index.php\?([^"]*)#m", array(0 => "plgSystemSef", 1 => "route"), "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " ">

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