To uninstall Community Builder extension package, proceed like for any other extension package, follow these simple steps:
- Select "Extensions" and then "Manage" from the dropdown menu
- Select "Manage" on the left menu
- Select the type of extension you wish to uninstall, by selecting "Search tools", then in "Type" select "Package"
- Find the extension you wish to uninstall (here "Community Builder Package") and check the checkbox to the left of the extension title.
- Press "Uninstall" below the title "Extension Manager: Manage" (3.0).
This is documented in the Joomla documentation on uninstalling a Joomla extension
If you have installed other Joomla extensions related to Community Builder, proceed a similar way for them first.
IMPORTANT: As usual with any installation and un-installation, make sure that you have a functional backup of your site first.