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Have a mission critical site that just can’t wait?

Get your professional support insurance policy now! Some solutions are just too important to leave on auto-pilot mode and if things go wrong they require immediate attention. This is where our Professional Support packages come into play. Sign-up to the package that best addresses your needs and keep our CB Team resources standby to address your issues as soon as they appear and before they cause you business impacting damage.

Depending on the selected package we utilize in addition to our Professional Support forum area an advanced ticket based system where you are assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track progress:

  • Unlimited Professional Forum support access for your domain

  • When escalation and private contact is needed we will provide you with alternative communication mechanism.

Professional Members automatically receive all privileges available to Advanced Members. Learn more about our Professional membership subscription here.

Do you need assistance to install or configure your Community Builder / CBSubs solution? Perhaps some one-on-one consulting session with a CB expert? Consider purchasing one of our Professional Services packages to assist you.