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Once Kunena extension is installed, Kunena Forum will automatically create a specific menu with several relevant menu items. You decide where and how to display it.

To start configuring, go to Kunena - Plugin Manager and enable Kunena - Community Builder Integration. There are some configurations enabled by default, that you can change if needed.
Such as: Access Control / Community Builder Login / Activity Stream / Community Builder Avatars / Community Builder Profiles / Private Messages.

Next step, go to CB Tab Manager, find Forums and publish it.

Click on Forums to configure the following parameters:

Global (tab)

  • Publish:
    Select state (Published/Unpublished)
  • Profile Ordering:
    Select the profile view ordering of this tab. This ordering is specific to the tabs position.
  • Position:
    Select the position in users profile.
  • Display:
    Select how to display the tab in users profile (e.g Tab, Nested tab, Div with title etc.)
  • Access Level:
    Select the view access level for this tab. Only users with this access level will be able to view the tab in users profile.
  • Css Class:
    Optionally input the CSS class added to this tab and its tab content. Separate multiple CSS classes with a space.

Parameters (tab)

Posts (sub tab)

The following parameters are available here:

  • Paging:
    Enable or disable usage of paging for posts.
  • Page Limit:
    Input page limit for posts. Page limit determines how many posts are displayed per page.
  • Search:
    Enable or disable usage of search for posts.

Favorites (sub tab)

  • Display:
    Enable or disable usage of favorites on tab forums. This will display a tab showing user’s favorite forum posts.
  • Paging:
    Enable or disable usage of paging for favorites.
  • Page Limit:
    Input page limit for favorites. Page limit determines how many favorite posts are displayed per page.
  • Search:
    Enable or disable usage of search for favorite posts

Subscriptions (sub tab)

  • Display:
    Enable or disable usage of subscriptions on tab forums. This will display a tab showing user’s favorite forum posts.
  • Paging:
    Enable or disable usage of paging for subscriptions.
  • Page Limit:
    Input page limit for subscriptions. Page limit determines how many posts are displayed per page in user’s subscriptions list.
  • Search:
    Enable or disable usage of search for subscriptions posts.

Now, go to CB Plugin Manager, find Forums and publish it.

Click on Forums to configure the following parameters:

Global (tab)

The CB Forums plugin Global tab has the following configuration parameters:

  • Publish:
    Select the state (published/unpublished)
  • Access Level:
    Only users with this access level will be able to see Forum Tab and its related fields in user’s profile.
  • Ordering:
    Order determines what order the plugin will load in.
  • Parameters (tab)
    The Parameters tab has a number of sub-tabs.

General (sub tab)

The following parameters are available here:

  • Template: 
    Is set to Default. Select template to be used for all of CB Forums. If template is incomplete then missing files will be used from the default template. Template files can be located at the following location: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbforums/templates/.
  • Class:
    Optionally add a class suffix to surrounding DIV encasing all of CB Forums.

Forum (sub tab)

  • Model:
    Select forum model usage. Model determines what forum extension to use. Select a model to enable its specific parameters.

Once selected you will see following tabs and fields:

Profile (sub tab)

Here you will find several CB fields that you can synchronize with model’s
Such as: Ordering / Viewtype / Signature / Personal Text / Gender / Birthdate / Location / ICQ / AIM / YIM / MSN / Skype / Twitter / Facebook / Gtalk / MySpace / LinkedIn / Delicious / FriendFeed / Digg / BlogSpot / Flickr / Bebo / Website / Hide Email / Show Online / Subscribe / List Limit

Sidebar (sub tab)

Additional supported substitutions for all fields below are: [karmaplus], [karmaminus], [karmatitle], [karma], [rankimage], [ranktitle], [posts], [thankyou], [points], [medals], [personaltext].

  • Registered:
    Input substitution supported sidebar display for registered users.
  • Anonymous:
    Input substitution supported sidebar display for anonymous users.
  • Deleted:
    Input substitution supported sidebar display for deleted users.