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One of the many cool features available in Community Builder is the Connections feature that allows users to connect with each other in a social relationship manner.

When you first install Community Builder by following the installation guide (included in the distribution package) or the CB Quick Installation Check List tutorial (see relevant links below), the connections function is not pre-enabled.

To enable you need to follow these 3 steps:

  1. Set your CB Configuration -> Connections Tab -> Enable Connections: parameter to 'Yes' (you can also configure other connection specific parameters on this tab)
  2. Make sure your 'CB Connections' plugin is published in your CB Plugin Manager area.
  3. Make sure your 'Connections' tab is published in your CB Tab Management area (and optionally the Connection Paths tab).

Once these steps have been completed you should be able to see a Connections tab on your frontend profile.

Initially this 'Connections' tab will be empty, since you have just enabled the feature and you are not connected with another user.

In order to connect to someone you first need to locate the other person's profile and visit it.
You can use the CB Lists user menu item and find someone you like and click on the list line to get to the users profile. You can then Connection->Request Connection menu item (located on the top of the profile you are viewing) in order to request to connect to this person. You are also allowed to send a personal request. Once the other person accepts the request you will be connected and your Connections Tab will reflect this.