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Display custom HTML content with optional Community Builder substitution support. Includes support for time based content display, output of custom JavaScript, output of custom CSS, and output of custom jQuery. Completely replace your Joomla HTML modules with an even more powerful module!
Take your Community to the next social level by empowering your users to organize themselves into common interest groups. Sit back and watch your community interact, socialize and expand your community by inviting their friends to their groups and your website. This is the main CB GroupJive plugin.
A powerful package including Community Builder, CB Activity, CB Gallery, CB GroupJive, and much more configured for a starter social networking site. Includes many basic fields required for a social site like Birthday, Address, Gender, Religion, Work, Education, and much more. Already defined privacy controls for numerous profile features. This package will surely quickstart your social site!
Use the Joomla search function to find CB user profiles based on CB field data of profiles. CB Privacy settings respected during searching. This is a Joomla plugin.
This plugin integrates the Joomla and/or Community Builder registration process with CiviCRM. Newly created Joomla website users (from Joomla or Community Builder frontend or backend) will be matched with existing CiviCRM contact(s) based on their email address. If no matching CiviCRM contact is found, a new one will be created and synchronized with the Joomla user. Newly created CiviCRM contacts can also be configured to be added to one or more CiviCRM contact groups/tags and to create a contact note. Finally the plugin can also be configured to attach and assign a new CiviCRM activity to the contact.
Primer Book for Community Builder is a great way to get started and quickly leverage the basic functionality available.
Guide describing CBSubs integration API usage.
Guide describing CBSubs gateway API usage.
Comprehensive all inclusive guide to CBSubs includes many use case examples.
The GroupJive Primer Book is freely available to download. GroupJive itself needs a subscription to download.