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CB Team Add Ons

Add even more Social Network and Member powerhouse functions to your Community with best-of breed add-ons created by the developers of CB. Increase your community 'stickiness'. Keep your Members coming back! Connect with potentially 400 million Facebook members fast and easy. And more! The best available guides and manuals included. An incredible value!

CB Facebook Connect: Facebook members can login without registering
CB Twitter Connect: Twitter members can login
CB ProfileGallery: Image galleries can be added members' profiles
CB ProfileGallery module: Showcase community gallery items
CB ProfileBook: Guestbook, blog and/or wall tabs can be added to profiles. Includes Latest Entries module
CB Ajax Text fieldtype: In-profile ajax text editing, awesome bubbles in 14 colors
CB Ajax File fieldtype: File upoads with Ajax upload to user profile and/or at registration
CB Rating fieldtype: Star ratings can be added to member profiles with Ajax stars-rating field
CB AutoWelcome plugin: Greet for your new members with custom welcome messages
CB Captcha: Keep spambots away for good!
CB Content module: Add profile information anywhere!
CB Privacy: Extensive privacy controls for members and administrator
CB LastViews: Members can see the last profile viewed in a tab
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