CB Paid Subscriptions (CBSubs) 4.5.2 can condtion promotions and mailers based on order amount, currency or payment gateway. It can also handle partial sales taxes or promotions!
Here, an example of an order summary with 10% discount for orders above 100$, 2.5% currency-conversion fee for foreign currencies and a sales tax of 12% on each item, except for the first 20$.
CB Paid Subscriptions (CBSubs GPL) 4.5.2 is a compatibility, features and improvements release. CBSubs 4.5.2 improves promotions and mailers with new conditions based on latest/current order. For example, Discounts, markups and mailers can now be based on the total amount, currency or payment gateway method used.
CBSubs 4.5.2 also addresses an API bug of Paypal.com affecting the "Thank you" page when returning to site after payment, in the cases where the direct IPN notification comes after the redirect. CBSubs 4.5.2 is a highly recommended upgrade for sites using Paypal (standard).
CBSubs 4.5.2 also brings full compatibility with Joomla 4.0, PHP 8.0 and MySQL 8.0, in addition of Joomla 3.x and PHP 7.x/5.6.
The main new features in this release are:
- Promotions discounts and markups, as well as mailers can now also be conditioned on the latest order/payment basket, like the selected payment gateway/method used, total order amount or currency.
- A new promotion and tax calculation method: "Percentage of the item price but to which an amount is first added or substracted".
- Addresses an API bug at Paypal.com affecting the return to the site's "Thank You" page after payment at paypal, in cases when the Paypal.com IPN notification comes the user is redirected back to the website. Paypal engineers have been notified of the API bug, but have not yet addressed the bug nor replied with a timeline, This is why CBSubs 4.5.2 implements a workaround for this bug and is a highly recommended priority upgrade for sites using Paypal (Paypal standard).
- Clarifications in the parameters for promotions, mailers and taxes.
- New admin sub-menus for taxes, promotions and mailers.
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.0 RC1 and 3.10 alpha 6.
- Support for PHP 8.0 and MySQL 8.0.
CBSubs 4.5.2 is available in our Downloads section and simply requires an active subscription to CBSubs. It is a highly recommended upgrade and requires and works great with latest CB 2.6 and Joomla 3.x-4.0 RC1.
Full changelog with the over 20 improvements is available, and CBSubs 4.5.2 is also installed on our demo site.