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During JandBeyond 2011 the CB Team gave two Community Builder presentations.

Read more and discuss CB Team JandBeyond 2011 presence and see presentations slides and video recordings included here for viewing:

A Look @ Community Builder 2.0 by Beat

See what we have planned for CB 2.0 and listen to Beat present internal research about XML-driven development that is already in use in CBSubs and will power CB 2.0. Also see CBSubs 1.2 Smart Promotions announcement.

A look at Community Builder 2.0 - Beat B from jandbeyond on Vimeo.

Community Builder Solutions and Development by Nick and Kyle

See what is available today and how to combine existing components to solve specific use cases. Free CB core features can be combined with Advanced and Professional add-ons to provide solutions. Special appearance by Beat presenting CBSubs Smart Promotions demo.

Community Builder Solutions - Nick A. from jandbeyond on Vimeo.