Strange, does the other user have the same name as a superadmin, so uddeIM identifies the wrong user?
There is only one line in the code that checks this
uddeim.php line 793:
if (uddeIMisReggedOnly($my_gid)) { // I am a registered user, so check if I am allowed to send to this group
$is_group_blocked = uddeIMisRecipientBlockedReg($myself, $to_id, $config);
if ($is_group_blocked) {
if (substr($to_name,0,1)!="(") {
$to_name = str_replace($to_name, "(".$to_name.")", $to_name_bak);
uddeIMmenuWriteform($myself, $my_gid, $item_id, $to_name, $pmessage, 10, $config);
uddeIMisRecipientBlockedReg($myself, $to_id, $config); can be found in includes.php line 185:
function uddeIMisRecipientBlockedReg($myself, $toid, $config) {
$database = uddeIMgetDatabase();
$togid = Array(-1); // default group (uddeim intern) for public users
if ($toid) // we have an id, so get group for this user
$togid = uddeIMgetGID($toid);
$acl = explode(",",$config->blockgroups);
if (!is_array($acl))
$acl = array();
$blocked = 0;
$new = array_intersect($togid, $acl); // either we have a recipient GID or recipient is a Public user (GID=-1), so we check if this user is blocked
if (!empty($new))
$blocked = 1; // yes, it is
It would be interesting to know what values are in $acl and $togid. As you can see $blocked=1 is only returned when the group id of the recipient is in the blocked group list.
Is GJ2.2 based on Joomla 1.6? If so this function is broken in uddeIM 2.3 and should not block at all otherwise it should be fine. Aboves code is taken from the upcoming uddeIM 2.4 from the SVN. Maybe you can try this if it fixes your problem.