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Front-end article editor submissions fails with reCaptcha v2

  • jhaines
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1 month 2 weeks ago - 1 month 2 weeks ago #340069 by jhaines
reCaptcha v2 is not working for front-end article edit submission. When the save button is pressed the error response is "Invalid field: Captcha" and it returns to the same editor page (with the edits).

Here's the site configuration:

If I instead set mode to code (internal), the above editor submission works correctly.

Any idea what's up with reCaptcha please?

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Last edit: 1 month 2 weeks ago by jhaines. Reason: Added s/w versions

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  • jhaines
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1 month 2 weeks ago #340070 by jhaines
Same problem in groups when sending a private message.

Joomla! 5.2.3 Stable [ Uthabiti ] 7-January-2025 16:00 GMT
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  • krileon
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1 month 2 weeks ago #340107 by krileon
Seams to work fine in my tests. It's possible you've a JavaScript conflict causing the reCaptcha to break. Press F12 to open your browser developer tools while looking at the create article page. Next click the Console tab and now refresh the page. See if there are any errors (they'll be colored red) in the Console tab. The internal modes have backup static HTML logic to avoid this, but there's nothing I can do for external captchas like reCaptcha when there's a JS error.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • jhaines
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1 month 5 days ago #340262 by jhaines
After a lot of poking about, it looks like the problem is actually incompatibility between the hidden timer input and reCaptcha v2. With the timer disabled, reCaptcha v2 is working fine. The honeypot setting has no effect on the problem.

This configuration is working correctly: 

Joomla! 5.2.3 Stable [ Uthabiti ] 7-January-2025 16:00 GMT
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  • krileon
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1 month 3 days ago - 1 month 3 days ago #340273 by krileon
The timer prevents fast submissions of forms. What is your timers time limit set to? It should be something like 1-3 seconds at most. Default is 3 seconds under Captcha > Modes > Timer.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 1 month 3 days ago by krileon.

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  • krileon
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1 month 3 days ago #340274 by krileon
Aha, believe I've found the cause. Am working on a fix.

Kyle (Krileon)
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