You would need to create a new CB plugin and create the below XML file to extend that view from XML.
Sample contents as follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cbxml version="1" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:../../../../cb/validation/ahawow.xsd">
<types />
<view name="showusers" type="params" ui="admin" label="User Management" icon="users" viewformatting="none">
<tablebrowser name="usersbrowser" table="#__comprofiler" class="\CB\Database\Table\UserTable" permissionasset="com_users">
<header type="standard" />
<field insert-node-after="email" name="lastname" type="string" width="10%" align="left" label="Last Name" responsivehiddenon="xsmall" />
This isn't going to make much sense though unless you are familiar with CBs XML usages.