It's due to how many fields you have (533, holy cow!). It's choking the jQuery that is used for our multiselect dropdowns, which are being rendered by CB Conditional. Will have to look into a way to improve that jQuery or put a limit on it for it to not be used if there are too many options. For now you can make the below change to turn off all our backend multiselect dropdown usages.
IN: libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/View/RegistryEditView.php
ON: Line 4409
$classes[] = 'cbSelect';
//$classes[] = 'cbSelect';
The above should stop those inputs from parsing into select2 and our multiselect dropdown usages.
Please note even for a standard HTML select field that is A LOT of options. You may want to seriously consider redoing your fields for better performance and usability. I can't possibly see how that many fields is maintainable for admins or reasonable for users.