Same Problem. The Lost Password is not working from the CBLogin Module.
CB 1.4
CBSubs 1.2.2
Joomla 1.5.20
Using Joomla's basic SEF urls
Temporary Workaround:
1. Create a new menu item specifically for Lost password called Community Builder Username/Password reminder. (You could put it in a menu that is not displayed on the website.) The password checking worked using the menu item.
2. Hack the cb login module so that it points directly to the new menu item.
File is at: modules/mod_cblogin/mod_cblogin.php
Is around line: 858
Look for: echo '<a href="'.$urlLostPassword.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">';
Change to: echo '<a href="new-url" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">';
SO fyi CB folks, the problem seems to be connected to the cb login module but not to the "forgot password" menu item.
And the problem does seem to be connected to SEF urls, though my site does not have the SH404SEF to solve the issue as it the following post: