Does saveEditTab save data into the #__comprofiler table or the #__comprofiler_plug_xxx table? I've been trying to save data into the #__comprofiler table, and haven't been successful. I've tried setting the $user->field to the value I want, and I've tried $postdata["field"] as well. The code I'm using is below. I'll attach the entire file if that'll help. Note that the exact same code produces the desired results for $loc and $loc when I use it in the getEditTab($tab, $user, $ui).
function saveEditTab($tab,$user,$ui,$postdata) {
$params = $this->params;
$args = array();
$lng = $params->get('geoLng', 'Text Parameter not set!');
$lat = $params->get('geoLat', 'Text Parameter not set!');
$args = $params->get('geoAddress','');
$args = $params->get('geoCity','');
$args = $params->get('geoState','');
$args = $params->get('geoCountry','');
$args = $params->get('geoPostcode','');
$userData["address"] = ($user->$args) ? $user->$args : "";
$userData["city"] = ($user->$args) ? $user->$args : "";
$userData["state"] = ($user->$args) ? $user->$args : "";
$userData["country"] = ($user->$args) ? $user->$args : "";
$userData["zipcode"] = ($user->$args) ? $user->$args : "";
$userData["lat"] = ($user->$lat) ? $user->$lat : "";
$userData["lng"] = ($user->$lng) ? $user->$lng : "";
$loc = $this->checkLatLong($userData);
$user->$lat = $loc;
$user->$lng = $loc;
$postdata["$lng"] = $user->$lng;
$postdata["$lat"] = $user->$lat;
Attachment geocoder.php not found