Excellent thank you I can now get the avatar displayed in my module, the only problem I have is I want to control the size of the avatar that is displayed if I use:
$avatar =$cbUser->getField( 'avatar');
<?php echo $avatar; ?>
the output is:
<img src="file location.jpg" alt "username" title "username" class = "cbfullpic">
even is I use the feild type "list" the avatar is a predefined size I want to be able to define the size like:
Height="45" width="45"
but cant get it into the code because the field is hardcoded in the format above, is there any field types that control size apart from "profile" and "list" or how can I work the code to include the height and width values?
even better would be if there was a way to find the avatar file location so I could simply do:
img src=$avatarlocation height "45" etc
Post edited by: roughruffian, at: 2009/08/03 15:15