OK, so I finally had an opportunity to sit and look at NANTs gallery and the XSPF profile plugins. The code on those things are just downright beautiful. So it got me thinking of how we could incorporate the two into a single tab that allows for music upload and play.
We know how Nants gallery works. A user signs up through CBLOGIN, the plugin generates a folder per userid# in the specified directory. Sounds good
We know how the XSPF profile player plugin works. A user specifies an XSPF playlist for the player to stream.
In my travels the past few days, I've come across a few neato little PHP scripts that allow for automatic generation of an XSPF playlist. It simply reads and MP3 directory, and pulls the ID3 tag info from the files. The user only has to put the PHP file address in the Player to make it stream.
Autogenerating XSPF Playlist Below
Modifying Nants gallery to auto generate some files (in theory) is completely possible. When a user signs up for an account through CB, the gallery auto generates user ID folder, and the subfolders and files from above. Whenever a person uses the modified gallery to upload, it uploads ONLY MP3s into the MP3 subdirectory within the users folder.
Also, modifying the XSPF Profile Player plugin to automatically input into itself the autogenerated playlist php URL (works similar to the autogenerated directories of the gallery) would totally eliminate all hands on activities. All the user would have to do is upload songs.
In this scenerio, each playlist is identified and separated via the userid. This makes it the URL unique
Both of these features could be incorporated into a single tab. The upload portion viewable only to the user to whome it belongs. Furthermore, a bio portion could be inserted into this tab, asking various information about the user.
I cant code PHP for snot. In fact, I wouldn't know where to start. I know just enough to have a light grasp of what the plugins do be viewing the finished product
I hope I'm not overstepping. With my lack of PHP knowledge, I'm definatly not up for the task of making this happen. I just wanted to let everyone know of my findings and how (I think.....In Theory) they could be incorporated into making a plugin that damn near everyone wants. With such a tremendous code base to work with, I figured it wouldnt be an act of God for someone to figure it out....then again, maybe it would :woohoo: