My context: Joomla: 4.4.12
Used template: Cassiopeia (default version)
CB version: 2.10.0+build.2025.
During the migration of my Jomla 3.* website to Joomla 4.* I have noticed some 'weird' rendering issues. Let me explain this in detail. My website comprises 4 languages: German (DE) / Spanish (ES) / English (EN) & Italian (IT). Because of the new template Cassiopeia I repositioned the existing CB Site modules in order to rebuild the GUI from scratch. While doing this I noticed that I get some rendering issues. The 'weird' thing is that I get these rendering issues only in the context of the Italian (IT) language
E.g if type in the following URL's:
the rendering of the
CB Login Module is correct and will look like this (/de is also representative for /es and /en). Please look at the space (green) between 'Anmeldung' and the field 'Benutzername'
as soon as I type in the following URL:
the rendering result looks like this:
Now you notice that the corresponding space (red) has been enlarged if you compare with the green space before.
My analysis so far:
- my first thought was that may be the instanciated "CB Login module" is corrupt. So I deleted the existing instance and created a new one. Result: Same behaviour as soon as I do the switch to Italian language.
- The rendering issue is only!!! within the 'Italian' language context. The languages: German / English / Spanish 'produce' always
identical!!!!! rendering results
- It also does not help If I choose another position of the module within the template. The rendering issues appears as soon as I switch to 'Italian'
- When I fill up my GUI with other CB Site modules I can see a similar rendering issue also with these other modules (within the Italian context) but I think the main problem is visible and explainable just with the 'CB Login module'
- As a last try I looked into the source code of the genereted html site and compared these two files. (see 2 files in attachment) but from my point of view they look similar:
So at the moment I have no clue where the problem is.... Is it possible that this rendering issues is caused by the (Italian) translation package?
Many thanks in advance