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'Strange' rendering behaviour with some CB site modules

1 day 15 hours ago #340694 by erichburkhard
My context: Joomla: 4.4.12
Used template: Cassiopeia (default version)
CB version: 2.10.0+build.2025.

During the migration of my Jomla 3.* website to Joomla 4.* I have noticed some 'weird' rendering issues. Let me explain this in detail. My website comprises 4 languages: German (DE) / Spanish (ES) / English (EN)  & Italian (IT). Because of the new template Cassiopeia I repositioned the existing CB Site modules in order to rebuild the GUI from scratch. While doing this I noticed that I get some rendering issues. The 'weird' thing is that I get these rendering issues only in the context of the Italian (IT) language

E.g if type in the following URL's:


the rendering of the CB Login Module is correct and will look like this (/de is also representative for /es and /en). Please look at the space (green) between 'Anmeldung' and the field 'Benutzername'


as soon as I type in the following URL:


the rendering result looks like this:


Now you notice that the corresponding space (red) has been enlarged if you compare with the green space before.

My analysis so far:
- my first thought was that may be the instanciated "CB Login module" is corrupt. So I deleted the existing instance and created a new one. Result: Same behaviour as soon as I do the switch to Italian language.
- The rendering issue is only!!! within the 'Italian' language context. The languages: German / English / Spanish 'produce' always identical!!!!! rendering results
- It also does not help If I choose another position of the module within the template. The rendering issues appears as soon as I switch to 'Italian'
- When I fill up my GUI with other CB Site modules I can see a similar rendering issue also with these other modules (within the Italian context) but I think the main problem is visible and explainable just with the 'CB Login module'
- As a last try I looked into the source code of the genereted html site and compared these two files. (see 2 files in attachment) but from my point of view they look similar:


File Attachment:

File Name: sourcecode...rman.txt
File Size:16 KB


File Attachment:

File Name: sourcecode...lian.txt
File Size:16 KB

So at the moment I have no clue where the problem is.... Is it possible that this rendering issues is caused by the (Italian) translation package?

Many thanks in advance


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  • krileon
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1 day 11 hours ago #340699 by krileon
Comparing the source files there appears to be a "?" before the login form for the Italian page. It's before CBs module output though so the only way it could be CB is if you've something acting on the onAfterLoginForm trigger and specifically outputting to that position, which is unlikely. So my best guess is maybe a Joomla module layout override. Do you have separate templates for the languages?

Kyle (Krileon)
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16 hours 4 minutes ago #340716 by erichburkhard
Hi - so If you ask me wether I (actively) use separate templates for the languages my answer is 'no'. I have just language 'overrides' for the specific languages (DE / IT / ES / EN). And I only use the default template 'Cassiopeia'

But to be honest:
I didn't build up this Joomla 4.0 website from scratch. I started many years ago with Joomla 2.* ... migrates to Joomla 3.* and now to Joomla 4.* and during this time I made a lot of 'experiments' with 3rd party stuff (eg. templates / components / modules / plugins / etc ...) and I also experimented with my own css scripts ?!? .... of course I always tried to deinstall this stuff as good as possible but I cannot guarantee for sure that there is nothing 'old' lying around in certain directories ... and I also don't know WHICH directories have to be cleaned up and WHAT (which files) has to be cleaned ...

So my question is: Is there an easy way of doing a kind of 'spring cleaning' on the directory structure? Are there certain directories I can delete / clean? PS: I do have a backup-tool ..... so In case I delete too much I have my backup .... but at the moment I have no clue WHICH files to delete


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  • krileon
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11 hours 41 minutes ago #340720 by krileon
If the question mark is coming from a Joomla layout override you should see the layout in System > Site Templates > YOUR_TEMPLATE Details and Files on the left in the "html" folder is where layout overrides go. If it's from acting on the onAfterLoginForm trigger my best guess is a custom auto action in CB Auto Actions. Aside from that I don't know where that question mark could be coming from.

Kyle (Krileon)
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