Here is my question :
I set three parents plan and three children plans, resume is one the snapshot below
First the visitor The visitor has to complete the registration form and after moderation he can connect to the website. My aim is that the new member is redirect to one of these plans (and only one of them) the choice depending of the value the customer gave in the registration form.
So in the registration form I set a radio buttons field (cb_statut) with three values :
- Membre actif
<- plan ID 1
- Membre associé = Personnes physiques membres d'une autre association, liée à l'AFIB par convention ou au sein d'une fédération d'associations
<- plan ID 2
- Membre partenaire = Ingénieurs biomédicaux diplômés exerçant au sein d'entité parapublique ou privée relevant d'une activité commerciale
<- plan ID 3
With CB Conditional I set another radio button field(cb_typemembreactif) with four values depending of the choice of the value 1 of cb_statut. the value 1of this field are :
- Ingénieur biomédical
<- plan ID 6
- Ingénieur en recherche d’emploi
- Ingénieur en retraite
<- plan ID 5
- Etudiant
<- plan ID 4
To redirect user to the right plan I use Dynamic condition in the workflow tab, for example for the plan ID 4 :
But it doesn't work. After my registration test was accepted by moderation I have after my first connection this tab on my profile :
I hope I'm clear enought in my explaination... I try to find where is my error but I didn't find. Do you have any idea about the thigs I fail ?
Thx for answer