I've a few problems with the 2checkout payments.
I've 2 plans: Free and VIP (paid) auto-renewing each month.
Firstly, my members can't unsubscribe from the VIP plan if they've paid using the 2checkout gateway. Even I can't unsubscribe them from the back end, I get the following error:
"Error finding 2Checkout sales record: please contact site administrator and ask him to check error logs for details".
I suspect that the user already has cancelled his Recurring Billings in his 2checkuot account but somehow it is not updated in CBSubs
and in my 2checkout sales. To unsubscribe a member I have to go to the sale's page in my 2checkout account and click the link: "Stop this Recurring". What's worst is that the user still stays a VIP member even after I've cancelled the payments although the Grace period in the plan's option is "None" and in order to downgrade the member to a FREE member I have to delete his VIP subscription in the back end.
When I open the 2checkout gateway options in the CBSubs I have the fallowing error:
Company Info from 2Checkout using API:
"Error: 2checkout: API acct/detail_company_info fetch error: returned XML has response code : "OK" and response message: company info retrieved"
I have a created API Access enabled user in 2CO panel, but I don't have any API set in 2checkout Payment API Integration process. May be I have to set an API, but it's not explaind in the CBSubs manual.
The customer complained that he could not unsubscribe. I've went in the Subscriptions, Baskets, Payment, Notifications and History logs and this is what I've fount related to this particular user and subscription:
I also have this weird empty notifications:
History logs:
In the plan's Integration options I have the following erors:
I also have around 2000 error logs in the history log all connected to 2checkout.
Please help me sort out this problem.
Best regards,