Awhile back, I set up a couple of "Mailers" in the Mailer function of CBSubs.
When I go to "automation settings", I find the URL's needed to trigger the mailer for sending out mails. When I click on those links in my browser, they work perfectly fine.
Then I tried to set up a cronjob, like this:
20 * * * * php /opt/www/[part of path redacted by me for security purposes]/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=pluginclass&plugin=cbpaidsubscriptions&cbpact=cbsubsclass&cbpclass=mailer&user=62&cbpmailerdo=sendmailqueue&key=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&format=raw
This is the same way in which I have set up other cronjobs as well (though with other time intervals) and they all work fine, but the ones for the Mailer don't do anything at all. Nothing happens, no mails are being sent out until I open it manually in my browser again.
Have I done something wrong with the way my crontab is set up?