Hey Guys,
I haven't downloaded B5 yet (will be shortly) but just wanted to comment based on the highlights I've been seeing.
Now you guys are cooking with Crisco (or canoloa oil or whatever...)!
These are the type features I've been talking about. CB1 of course was fundamentally and technically sound but it needed to be awesome for today's internet and users. From everything I'm seeing with CB2, it looks like it accomplishes that, and then some. First, it is attractive on the frontend (very nice). And I don't care what people say, looks do matter. Secondly, I'm seeing a high degree of flexibility and customization for both the user and administrator (without necessitating a great degree of technical expertise... in other words: simple, fast, and to the point). Thirdly, it is robust (i.e. powerful, thorough, full-featured), which of course with today's users and internet capabilities, if it is not robust it will get lost in the current somewhere. The long and short of it guys, it appears to be a prime-time product, something we've all been looking for.
I'll be downloading and testing for bugs and capability.