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CBSubs 1.2.1 Released!
CBSubs 1.2.1 is mainly a maintenance release.
Special thanks to Kyle for helping us now on payment gateways, while we are preparing the pilot developers program, and to Nick for the huge documentation made (now at 470 pages!) and to both for the non-regression tests.
There is a new AlertPay payment gateway included now, that we have developed with the cooperation of the AlertPay support team, many thanks for their help. There is a small bug at AlertPay's side that we identified and that AlertPay will be fixing asap, but a work-around is included in the fine CBSubs manual.
We have also updated the 2Checkout gateway to the newest release of their protocols. So
if you're using 2Checkout, this is a needed upgrade.
Based on our own experience here on this site, we have improved the Ogone error message when a credit-card issuer is denying a transaction to suggest to the buyer to contact his credit-card issuer to fix the problem (e.g. that his card has not enough credit, or that the issuer blocked temporarly, in most cases a phone call solves the problem, and since adding that message, we reduced our payments-related support a lot. Ogone liked the idea and is implementing the change also on their platform for the next release.
Main fixes are for the new features of CBSubs 1.2 (Promotions engine, Conditions on plans availability, pending payment emails, ...), and the handling of different refunds INS events that came with the new version of Ogone's server-side software. Finally, Joomla 1.6 multiple usergroups are now correctly supported in CBSubs 1.2 (backend usergroup changes in CB user manager will also require the upcoming CB release to work fully).
This makes CBSubs 1.2.1 a recommended upgrade for CBSubs 1.2 users.
Upgrade is easy as usual: backup, install over the extensions that are installed, and existing settings are kept.
5 New Features:
#2649 Promotions plugin: Backend: Add a clickable column "Exclusive" to list of promotions
#2648 Add version checking and published status checking for payment gateways plugins in backend in payment gateways list
New Gateway: AlertPay (must be downloaded separately)
#2616 2checkout gateway: Adapt to changes in's APIs
#2613 Ogone: Returning to site with Cancel and error that payment got refused by the acquirer should give instructions to user to contact his issuer to fix the issue and then to retry
32 Bugs fixed:
#2642 j1.6: Media manager has cbpaidsubsbot warnings displaying in the icons
#2639 Paypal gateway: backend: single payment button configuration issue
#2631 Plan conditional on a field or field value at registration, but field not shown made a javascript error
#2628 CB Field Condition check to show plan for upgrade fails if CB Field is in invisible Admin tab
#2625 2checkout triggers a warning in error log (without consequences)
#2623 Gateways API: Trying to edit a gateway in CB Plugin Manager should not give a fatal error, but display the helpful message in XML
#2622 Promotions:"Exclusive within this priority" = Yes does not work with 2 coupon promos of same priority that both are applicable
#2621 Promotions:a promotion was applicable to 2nd+ items in a basket only if all other promotions were applicable to the first item too
#2620 cbpaidsubsbot and content protection does not work when ioncube is not pre-loaded in the system
#2618 Promotion and taxes: stepped discount/rate: Last step of a series not evaluated
#2617 Conditions in promotions and plans: If NOT condition is specified, it fails alaways
#2615 Promotions redeem form URL does not work with SEF
#2611 pending subscription emails not functional in Offline payments
#2610 Promotions: When CB field is selected but empty for currency or for discount amount there is a warning
#2608 Wallet field promotion is not updated if wallet field marked not for profile showing
#2605 Promotions not enabled globally warning message doesn't contain hint where to enable
#2602 Ogone: change in IPNs for refunds: now 2 IPNs are sent, making the auto-revert of a subscription fail
#2601 Conditions in plans and promotions: trying to use an empty field gives a warning
#2600 Promotions: Impossible to remove coupon code from basket when redeemed in different case than defined, and coupon uses are stored with casing used instead of as defined
#2597 Conditions in promotions and plans: if Start and Stop dates are not defined, condition is invalid
#2515 Login redirect URL for plans not functional with free plans
#2489 J1.6: setting access (usergroup) not functional
#2195 acymailing integration does not add user if they do not exist
#1960 Custom fields gone for current users on upgrade
#1918 cbpaidsubsbot not shown as native in joomla 1.5
#1717 CBSubs plan does not upgrade user group from backend subscription
#1682 repetative zeros on prices after setting Price cents format
#1562 protecting tab with CBSubs Fields Tabs Protection with required fields
#1428 reject registration if subscription manually canceled at registration
#1371 changing usergroup through multiple plans not functioning only first plan is changing usergroup
#1295 Saving user in backend breaking cbsubs fields and sql actions
#1010 Backend user group upgrade on plan upgrade does not work
Please note that a few regression bugs (bugs introduced by bug fixes) have been reported for CBSubs 1.2.1, that are now (25 July 2011) fixed in CBSubs 1.2.2.
So if you see this release only now, upgrade directly from any CBSubs version you have to CBSubs 1.2.2.