I have observed the following:
I create a user subscription plan, and call it Plan A
I create a second User Subscription Plan (Plan
and set the 'Regular Price of plan' to be 10.
I sign up to Plan A using the 'Url of plan to display only this plan ('-' to display multiple plans)', and log in.
I go to 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=pluginclass&plugin=cbpaidsubscriptions&do=display_subscriptions'
My current subscription is Plan A.
I click on 'Upgrade' under the Plan B heading.
I then close the browser without paying for Plan B.
From the joomla administrator back end, I go to Community Builder->User Management, and click through to the users profile and go to the Subscription tab.
Plan A is listed as 'Active'.
Plan B is listed as 'Not yet paid'
I click on the 'Delete' checkbox for Plan B.
After I save the User Profile, the subscription tab now has 'Plan A' and 'Plan B' as upgrade possibilities. ie Plan A is no longer active.
It seems that deleting the unpaid subscription for Plan B has also deleted a valid subscription for Plan A.