I have a gallery set up on a page so when they click on an image it brings up the image. On a smaller device like an iPhone If you try to zoom in (or use your fingers to make it bigger) then it gets all weird, it turns blank or the next image shows up..
Is there a way to make this work?
Thank you.
Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7096] tag to subject
Not sure why it'd turn blank, but it would scroll to the next image if you're tapping within the scroller arrows or you're swiping instead of pinching it'll scroll to the next image. I don't have an iPhone so can't help you much further in respect to the device, but have added a bug ticket to take a look on Android at least to see if zooming event is being caught as a scroll event.
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I could not enlarge in on my iPad mini either.
I think the next picture was unintentionally hitting the next arrow.
But it seems the zoom in on tablets and apple devices is not working. I hope that helps in narrowing it down.