I have the following substitution:
[cb:userfield field=\"cb_vocational_professional_skills\" user=\"$youth_id\" /]
(The \ are there because its inside some php)
Its being used in an article in combination with some php. $youth_id is the userid of the profile being viewed.
When the owner of the profile views the article the field appears as it should.
When an admin views the article it is not shown (the admin can see the field on the profile).
I have found what seems to be causing the problem. cb_vocational_professional_skills is hidden/shown using cb conditional. When i disable the condition the admin can view the field on the article.
So for some reason the condition is causing the field to be hidden on the article for admin even though the field is shown on the profile. Any ideas why?
I have tested this using the following cb conditional versions:
Joomla! Version 3.6.2 Stable [ Noether ] 4-August-2016 23:41 GMT
PHP Version 5.6.24
mysql version 5.6.32-78.1
community builder version 2.0.15+build.2016.