I just upgraded CB conditional to 4.0.7+build.2016. from 4.0.7+build.2016.
[strike]All of my conditions that were previously working are now broken!!!! Whats going on?[/strike]
It seems that many conditions are not working during profile edit. Most of the conditions are simple hide/show based on dropdown values.
Not sure what other information i can provide to help but let me know if you have further questions.
NOTE: i have downgraded cb conditional back to 4.0.7+build.2016. and the conditions are working again. I also tried 4.0.7+build.2016. and it caused the same problem
Last edit: 8 years 3 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6323] tag to subject
Please provide a screenshot of a condition that isn't working. What do you mean by they aren't working? Fields aren't showing or hiding entirely or they aren't saving their values? You were using a release from 4 months ago. It's possible your conditions were only functioning out of a fluke due to a bug. You can not condition the same field multiple times as the conditions will conflict; please ensure you're only applying 1 condition to each field.
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For the first field in the attachment cb_primary_grade_completed is showing when the value of cb_flag_complete_primary_school is Y. There are no other conditions on cb_primary_grade_completed. cb_flag_complete_primary_school has a similar condition acting on it from another field which is not working either.
For the second field in the attachment cb_sport_skills_other is appearing when cb_sports_skills does not contain other. There are no other conditions on cb_sport_skills_other. cb_sport_skills is hidden/shown using a similar condition from another field and it is working as expected.
There are a number of other fields behaving like the above two.
For the first condition usage in your PDF instead of using a conditional others edit the field you're wanting to condition and use a conditional self then see if that same condition continues to fail. This will help confirm if it's just conditional others causing this as both of your conditions are conditional others.
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For now I strongly recommend using only conditional self. Conditional others will be removed in 4.1.0 when AND/OR usage is implemented.
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