I have created a CB Field of type 'Group Auto Join (Multi-select)'. I have put it on a tab which is only visible to an admin user group.
The field has:
Required - Not Required
Read Only - No
Show on Profile - 'Yes 1 Line with title'
Show on Registration - No
Show on Profile Edit - 'Yes 1 Line with title'
Size - 0
When I log in as super-user and view another user's profile, I see the field on the user profile and also on the user profile edit page.
When I log in as an admin user (but not super-user), and view the same user profile viewed by the super-user, I see the field on the user profile but not on the user profile edit page.
Is there a permission somewhere that specifies who can edit a user's profile with this field ?
There is currently only one GJ group and it is owned by the admin user.
Last edit: 4 years 9 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#8031] tag to subject
Seams to be displaying fine in my tests. Are there groups available to that user for them to join? Is it visible in backend profile edit if it's not visible in frontend profile edit?
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I have done some more testing and the issue is related to the owner of the GJ group.
When the owner is super-user, the group is visible via the profile edit page when the super-user or the admin are editing.
When the owner is the admin user, the group is not visible via the profile edit page for the admin user but is visible for the super-user.
I can change the owner back and forwards to make the group appear or disapper on the profile edit page (when the admin user is editing).
The options list is built based off the viewing user. Have added a bug ticket to review and fix this to build based off the user being edited. Originally this field was not available in profile edit so this could never have been a problem, but since that was changed the options list query also needs to be changed to account for that.
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