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[#7694] CB Privacy for Tabs > Display override

5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #313957 by crapouille

Maybe I didn't set correctly CB privacy
But, I notice that it is not possible to set the display override (lable + description), in Privacy for Tabs, as for Privacy for fields

The display override is very usefull to inform membesr that some datas exists, but they don't have the correct level to see these datas
Enclosed screenshots for example

1/ Privacy for Tabs setting parameters > none override display

2-A/ Privacy for fields setting parameters > override display

2-B/ Privacy for fields setting parameters > override display >> result in front


Do I have a way to got a so so result in front, for tabs ?
Expected >
Visitor can see the the Tab-pan title, even if he doesn't have the required acces level , but datas it contains are not visible for him.
Instead of datas, a speficic message, with usefull links, as for screenshot 2-B

It is possible to set the fields like that, but I dind't find the way to set the tab-pan like that.?

Thanks for help / reply
Last edit: 5 years 6 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7694] tag to subject

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5 years 6 months ago #313965 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic CB Privacy for Tabs > Display override
Display overrides do not exist for tabs. In most cases overriding the tab display just wouldn't work due to the way tabs are shown. It'd really only be viable for tabs displayed in flat positions with plain HTML otherwise you end up with a tab displayed while only having a single sentence for example displayed. Regardless have added a feature ticket to review implementing in a future release.

Kyle (Krileon)
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5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #313975 by crapouille
Replied by crapouille on topic CB Privacy for Tabs > Display override
Thanks for reply

1/ To realise my expectation, using CB conditional could be a solution?

Remember / Expected >
Visitor can see the the Tab-pan title, even if he doesn't have the required acces level , but datas it contains are not visible for him.
Instead of datas, a speficic message, with usefull links, as for screenshot 2-B

2/ maybe a usefull release would be to add the access level setting on fields,
So we could set a tab on public access level, and set some of fields in this tab on or registered level.

Now, this is possible on tabs
Not on fields
Maybe adding a grouping fields function, to set a specific level to the groups instead of the fields 1 by 1, might be a way to process?
As it is for joomla now

Kind regards
Last edit: 5 years 6 months ago by crapouille.

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5 years 6 months ago #313977 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic CB Privacy for Tabs > Display override

1/ To realise my expectation, using CB conditional could be a solution?

On the tab? No, CB Conditional simply shows/hides tabs/fields based off the criteria you supply. It has no functionality for display overriding.

Visitor can see the the Tab-pan title, even if he doesn't have the required acces level , but datas it contains are not visible for him.
Instead of datas, a speficic message, with usefull links, as for screenshot 2-B

Seams like the easiest option is to just add privacy controls on the fields in the tab then you can use display override on those fields.

2/ maybe a usefull release would be to add the access level setting on fields,

ACL will likely be added for individual fields in a later release, but it's already available for the time being using CB Conditional. This doesn't really solve your problem though as that ACL isn't going to give you display override functionality.

Maybe adding a grouping fields function, to set a specific level to the groups instead of the fields 1 by 1, might be a way to process?
As it is for joomla now

Field groups in CB are just tabs, which already have ACL. You can also use Custom HTML fields with substitutions to group fields.

Kyle (Krileon)
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