Strange thing happening with rel 2.2
In my registration form user must provide a certain type of image.
Since this field should be mandatory in the new release I've installed on a cloned site this is what happens:
If I set up the image field as mandatory, no matter which template I use, the field does not show the upload link botton, nor the dropdow "No Image / Link / Upload" when if I do not set up the field as mandatory the dropdow appears.
Would You please tell me why this is happening ?
In the attatched imageshows inside the red circle there's nothing since the field Selfi|Logo is set to mandatory, when the fiels "Best Photo" has the dropdown menu as it is not set to mandatory.
Even strange matter because if instead of "image" in field type I use "Video" the field works perfectly: I mean that even if set to mandatory it is possible o upload video since the dropdown appears.
Next HTML Email not working
All registration messages arrive in text format. The HTML is activated as you see from attatched capture.
Sending mass email from Joomla main component instead all messages arrive in HTML format.
What should I do to have CN send email in html format ?
Many thanks in advance