I am experimenting with the Plugin CB Query Field and am having quite some fun with it.
My SQL query delivers the value of my field cb_poulenc_chansonaboire_e correctly, which in the present case is _UE_TENOR1a - I display it on the front-end through [column_cb_poulenc_chansonaboire_e] - I attached two screenshots, back-end and front-end
_UE_TENOR1a is also a language string (is that the correct term?) and usually gets displayed as "Tenor 1 (divisi ) (see screenshot, the field below)
What is the correct syntax to have this displayed correctly (->"translated") in my query result?
I hope you understand what I would like to achieve ...
Thanks for your time!
Last edit: 7 years 2 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6884] tag to subject
Individual columns are not translated before being substituted in, but this would be a great addition. Have added a feature ticket to implement this and a build with this implemented should be out in a few minutes.
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Actually, that might be a bad idea ... The output will be compromised by this, won't it? If translations are run first, the output will not work anymore in multi-lingual websites. In order to display the translated field, I can simply use the plugin [cb:userfield field="cb_poulenc_chansonaboire_e" /]
You're returning the language key, which will be sent through translations on display. No, there won't be any issues with this usage regarding multilingual sites. Yes, you could just substitute in the field normally if you want with [cb:userfield field="cb_poulenc_chansonaboire_e" /], but the column values being passed through translations was still a good idea.
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