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[#6800] Translation

  • agaudin
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7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #298968 by agaudin
[#6800] Translation was created by agaudin

I'm using only one instance of CB Login module on my french website. It worked fine but since a while it is suddenly acting weirdly with translation :
- the module is not translated (shown in english) on all pages :
- EXCEPT when it is published on a CB content page (example : profile page, or registering page) :

The problem happened suddenly, as far as I remember I didn't change any language setting elsewhere neither in CB. The website doesn't use any language page : each article is set to default language, which is french in general joomla settings.

I reinstalled the french translation plugin (french CB language plugin) but it didn't change anything.

Any idea ? Problem already met ? Thanks by advance if you already know the troubleshooting path !
Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6800] tag to subject

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  • krileon
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7 years 3 months ago #298995 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Translation
Have reviewed the login module and its language loading code is there. Try setting "CB Plugins integration" to "Yes" under the "Login and Logout Options" of your module and see if that helps.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • agaudin
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7 years 3 months ago #299004 by agaudin
Replied by agaudin on topic Translation

krileon wrote: Have reviewed the login module and its language loading code is there. Try setting "CB Plugins integration" to "Yes" under the "Login and Logout Options" of your module and see if that helps.

Thanks a lot for your answer. Unfortunately, it didn't fix the stuff : I turned CB plugin integration to yes in Joomla Admin / Modules / mod_cblogin and saved, but the language displayed in the module is still in english on all pages EXCEPT when the module appears next to a CB generated page (as profile page or register page). Any other idea ?
Thanks by advance.

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  • krileon
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7 years 3 months ago #299018 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Translation
Ensure CB is completely up to date and that its system plugin within Extensions > Plugins is published and public. I've no idea why it's not detecting french is the loaded Joomla language outside of CB pages. Typically you'd pair a Joomla and CB language plugin together. So if you want your site in French you'd install a Joomla language plugin and CB language plugin for French and then set that as the default within Extensions > Languages.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • agaudin
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7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #299038 by agaudin
Replied by agaudin on topic Translation

krileon wrote: Ensure CB is completely up to date and that its system plugin within Extensions > Plugins is published and public. I've no idea why it's not detecting french is the loaded Joomla language outside of CB pages. Typically you'd pair a Joomla and CB language plugin together. So if you want your site in French you'd install a Joomla language plugin and CB language plugin for French and then set that as the default within Extensions > Languages.

Hi, me again,
of course I previously checked if everythnig is up to date, I even reloaded french CB plugin.
Anyway : I was wondering why the translation, which worked fine for years, was suddenly broken a few weeks ago - and I realized it may be related to the new CB plugins I installed (CB AutoActions / CB Profile Update Logger). So I tried to unpublish each one separately, and it turned that the problem is caused by CB Auto Actions (CBAA) : each time I turn CBAA off, the login module is normally translated in french on all pages ; each time I turn CBAA on, the translation problem gets back.
I am currently using CBAA with only two automatic triggers, triggered only by CB Moderators action on Joomla backend ; I checked the two rules by depublishing both of them but the translation problem still occurs so they're not the cause. The translation problem appears and disappears only by publishing / depublishing the CB AutoAction plugin.

I hope it can help and you'll see a way to fix it. Thanks a lot by advance !
Best regards,
Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by agaudin.

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  • krileon
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7 years 3 months ago #299057 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Translation
Your issue maybe due to CB Auto Actions system plugin. Within Extensions > Plugins unpublish "System - CB Auto Actions" and see if that fixes it. If it does ensure CB Auto Actions is up to date as I've already adjusted what Joomla event it loads on to prevent this. That'd be the below bug.

Kyle (Krileon)
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