It's not an ajax search, but basically a filter on the options already rendered by that dropdown. So it may not work how you're wanting it (e.g. it's not going to dynamically update the options available based off what you filter to). Yes, it's possible to use that jQuery in profile edit, but it does not integrate with any other plugins at this time. So CB Conditional, etc.. may no longer work on those fields. At any rate it can be done using the below.
Triggers: onBeforeRegisterFormDisplay, onBeforeUserProfileEditDisplay
Type: Code
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Method: jQuery
$( 'select#FIELD_NAME' ).cbselect();
Plugins: cbselect
To apply to all select fieldtypes you'd use the below.
$( '.cbft_select select,.cbft_multiselect select,.cbft_queryselect select,.cbft_querymultiselect select' ).cbselect();